
Reflective type

 ▶ Reflective type
 ▶ Retro-reflective
 ▶ High resolution
 ▶ UV emission reflection

Separate type
 ▶ Analog output
 ▶ Digital output
 ▶ Light modulation outoput

Transmissive type
 ▶ Board-in type
 ▶ Connector type
 ▶ Harness type
 ▶ Operation indicator type

Light emitting element
 ▶ Chip type
 ▶ Ceramic typeΦ3
 ▶ Ceramic typeΦ4

Light receiving element
 ▶ Photodiode
 ▶ Phototransistor

LED unit
 ▶ LED Lighting
 ▶ Display LED

Rotary encoder

LED light source for sensor, Various indicators

Part No. Emitting coller(λPnm)   Irradiation length(mm)  Luminous intensity
Connection diagram
typ IF(mA)
UE8700 Red 627 50   800 40  
Green 522 800
Blue 465 200
UE8710 Red 627 100 750 40
Green 522 750
Blue 465 150
UE8720 Red  627 200 840 40
Green  522 720
Blue  465 130
UE8730 White  - 200 580  40

LED Lighting application

At ATMs in banks and convenience stores,
At vending machine, 
At payment machines and ticket vending machines such as parking and more,